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Alex ScheuErer

Teachers  >  Alex Scheuerer

We’re very excited to have recently welcomed Alex to our team here and feel very honoured to have him with us. He has been teaching guitar for 10 years through private lessons and in various different schools.

Alex’s playing has taken him far and wide. From playing at the prestigious Glastonbury Festival to his function work in Morocco and even the United Arab Emirates.

As you can imagine, Alex’s playing and teaching experiences have shaped him into an incredible musician and educator and we’re thrilled to have him as part of the Bell Music Academy team!

Alex Scheurer - Spotlight

The latest from the BMA blog

The Complete Guide to Setting Up a Beginner Drum Kit

The Complete Guide to Setting Up a Beginner Drum Kit

Perhaps you’re a parent (niggled by the creeping fear that this may have unleashed the slithering hordes of madness into your otherwise peaceful home) or perhaps these are your Very. First. Drums.

If you have any questions or queries about our lessons or want to sign up, please let us know and we’ll be happy to help.